The Bright Lights Tonight
The Bright Lights Tonight
This is a dance night with two very basic rules :
Rule 1 : You must dance.
Rule 2 : Refer to Rule 1.
Okay, they’re more guidelines than rules, but they’re still good ideas. You should probably get out and dance.
Well, you were either at one of the last events and you rocked out, or you missed it - in which case you need to come to the next one. We’re spinning this back up again, hoping things return to whatever passes for normality around here, so come on out and you can get in the dancing to cool music that your body requires.
In the meantime, take a look at what you either danced like a maniac to or missed dancing to at previous events. (Playlists, in other words.) And if you have any suggestions, requests, or other comments about the dance, check the contact info to the right and shoot us a line.
Dancing! Art! Music! Excitement! Dancing! Magic! Romance! Fun!
More dancing!
DJ Illuminator
will play :
Smart fun pop music for smart fun people to dance to.
Date and Time :
October 12th, 2024
After PNO
8:30 PM to 11:30 PM
Location :
Midtown Bar & Grill
on the patio
415 West Gray
Houston, TX 77006
For more information or to submit requests, visit the Facebook event.
Make sure to follow and message us on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook - we’d love to hear from you!
Also, if you’re interested in hiring DJ Illuminator for your event, see for more information!